Sunday, September 11, 2005

Migraines really suck...

Owwwww...I need some poor widdle head hurts...this is what I get for trying to go to bed early last night...(1230am) I ended up not falling asleep till sometime after 2am, and then had to be up at 745am to take my dad somewhere. I hate migraines...this one is making my entire head and my neck hurt.

On a happier note, I got a new pattern book today... I've now got the instructions on how to crochet Care Bears... Hope I can figure this one out...I know a couple of little girls who seriously love Care Bears.

I'm still working on my patternless sock monkey doll... So far I've got two legs made...I need to find a decent picture of a real sock monkey so I can see what shape the body is supposed to have. At least the legs, arms and tail all have the same basic shape. I know my big problem will be making the mouth and the eyes. I've never been good at embroidery.

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