Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Isnt this a bit presumptuous?

Obama Coins Have Been Minted

The election hasnt even been held yet, and this guy is already assuming that he's going to win? Wow...he's got a huge ego!

I thought the Obama "presidential seal" was egotistical, but minting coins with his picture on it? (at least it's not legal tender here)


  1. Sounds like a great idea to me, but I doubt that the coins came from the US mint.

    Obama was in Clearwater today. I started to go see him, but didn't want to be in the traffic. I called and reserved a ticket, but didn't pick it up.

  2. They're not American made. I think they're made in the UK or some other country.

    Are you going to vote for O? I thought you told my mom you werent going to.

  3. I am, because I can't vote that conservative broad from Alaska.

  4. I guess my vote will cancel out your vote. :)
