Saturday, October 15, 2005

this is what I was looking for...

This is a picture of the afghan pattern I'm looking for. I saw the picture on the Bellaonline crochet forum...someone else there is looking for it too, altho, I think she might have found it...

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  1. Erin, I will try to scan a cover of a pattern book that has a star afghan on it. Let me know if it is what you would want. Karen

  2. Erin, You can do a searh at Mary Maxim for an afghan called Peaceful Pastels. It is similar anyway.

  3. Erin, I believe this pattern is an older Annie's Attic pattern. I have the pattern at home, and I'm pretty sure it's from Annie's. You might want to check eBay, as I've heard that Annie's no longer has this pattern in stock.

  4. I did manage to find a copy of that pattern.

    Weird thing is, I used to have another copy of this a newer leaflet...I think the other copy that I used to have might have been a reprint or was a Leisure Arts leaflet that I used to have, and not an Annie's leaflet. My old lost copy was one that was in the bunch that my dad accidentally tossed a few years ago.

  5. I'm so glad you found the pattern! I have the pattern in the Annie's leaflet. I've always wanted to try this pattern but just haven't gotten around to it. You'll have to keep us all posted on how it goes for you!

  6. I just have to find the right color combination...I kind of want to do it in patriotic colors. Maybe a solid blue, and a variegaited yarn that has red, white, and blue in it. I'll probably use Red Heart SS Blue, and Stars & Stripes for the colors..

  7. The patriotic colors sound great for your new afghan. I got out my copy of the pattern last night and experiemented, but I'm still trying to decide on the right colors too.

  8. where can I find a copy of this pattern???? JessicaMerr

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  10. Hello .My name is Ruth and I love your rectangle square pattern,which I printed off.I would love the pattern to the star afghan.I have been looking for it .Thankyou.My e-mail is
